Month: April 2024

Littering is bad for our enviroment


Littering is bad because people throw their rubbish away and it goes into the drains and finally into the ocean. Then dolphins or other sea animals come along and think it’s a stingray or food, but it’s plastic.

Some sea animals will swallow it and die so we need to use less plastic, and definitely don’t throw it on the ground. Sometimes I think about turtles, because I saw a turtle got stuck in a plastic ring and I was so disappointed because he had grown and his shell didn’t fit him anymore.

Sometimes people think it’s okay to litter but it’s never good because people don’t know what they are doing to the environment. They are killing it with plastic.

When we feel heartbroken about animals under the sea we should stop littering because my dad explained that over 5.25 trillion plastics end up in the ocean. My teacher showed us a video of a teenage girl that said, “we should always use metal water bottles so we can reuse them many times.” I sometimes see people picking up rubbish at the beach and I think they must love sea animals. We know why we should not litter because it’s bad for our environment.